Third inter-mission conference held in Entebbe

23 Nov 2009

Third inter-mission conference held in Entebbe

In an effort to tighten relations between UN peacekeeping missions in central northern Africa, the Third Inter-mission Conference was held in Entebbe for heads of military components on 11 and 12 November.

Attending the UNMIS-hosted event were force commanders and key staff from the UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT), the UN African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur, UNMIS, the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) and the UN Office for the Consolidation of Peace in the Central African Republic (BONUCA). Deputy Military Advisor Maj. Gen. Abhijit Guha represented the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York.
Besides mission updates and military specific topics, agenda topics included Sudan-Chad relations as well as the current status of the Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). A write-up by the Director of Mission Support on the Entebbe Regional Support Centre was also circulated among participants.
Opening the conference, UNMIS Force Commander Maj. Gen. Paban Thapa said, "The emphasis will be on developing closer inter-mission links to address common inter-linked issues affecting UN peacekeeping missions of Central-Northern African Region and share experiences in order to improve operational readiness."
MONUC Deputy Force Commander Maj. Gen. Adrian Foster observed that the LRA had continued to harass civilians. "The LRA ... remains a threat to the civilian population along the border areas, who continue to be targeted and abducted even though the continued military pressure on the LRA has reduced its fighting potential."
Deputy Military Advisor Maj. Gen. Guha updated participants on Office of Military Affairs matters, including progress of a draft paper on Robust Peacekeeping and Protection of Civilians.
On Sudan-Chad, MINURCAT Maj. Gen. El Hadji Mouhamadou Kandji, noted, "It is pertinent to have an effective border control mechanism to closely monitor the situation and get accurate information."
Lt Col Maiga Sadou provided a concise update on BONUCA, giving participants a clear understanding of realities on the ground in the Central African Republic.
In closing remarks, Maj. Gen. Thapa said, "The valuable inputs during the discussions and encouraging participation from all missions over the last two days of the conference resulted in drawing important lessons and broadening our horizon."
Participants decided that the next inter-mission conference would be hosted by MINURCAT in March 2010.