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  1. Referendum materials handed over in Khartoum and Juba

    30 October 2010... 2010 – The international community have handed over voter registration kits, registration training books and other materials to ...

  2. Republic of Sudan Constitution-making Symposium

    26 April 2017

  3. Malakal students urged to vote

    11 March 2010 University students in Malakal recently participated in an open-day forum to discuss their role in forthcoming April elections.

  4. UNMIS gives furniture to Omdurman school

    5 November 2009 Upgrading a needy primary school in the impoverished West Omdurman area of Khartoum, UNMIS handed furniture over to the institution on 3 November.

  5. UNHCR chief: Refugee women need more protection

    29 December 2009... refugees, who faced difficulties accessing basic services, education and protection, Africa Bureau Director of the UN refugee agency ...

  6. New playgrounds for Juba’s children

    7 March 2010 UNMIS and the non-governmental organization Right to Play handed over three renovated playgrounds on 26 February to Gudele West Basic School and Supiri Secondary School in Juba.

  7. Forgiving sets you free

    27 July 2009 Chatting over the phone from his London residence, hip hop singer Emmanuel Jal said he originally wanted to be an engineer, someone who worked with machinery.

  8. Japanese inspect school projects in Lainya

    16 July 2009... The Japanese were prepared to assist in rebuilding education infrastructures in Southern Sudan, Yosika Kijimo, Director for ...

  9. Upper Nile State students begin exams

    30 March 2011 29 March 2011 - In spite of chronic insecurity in the Upper Nile State capital of Malakal, secondary school students began their final Sudan Secondary School Certificate Examinations on Monday mo

  10. Getting registered to vote

    15 December 2009 As voters' registration for the scheduled April 2010 national elections closed on 7 December, citizens throughout Sudan rushed to add their names before the books were officially closed.
