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  1. 29 October - UNMIS Support to Voter Registration Process

    1 November 2009... are embarking on the country's largest-ever delivery of voter registration materials in preparation f ...

  2. Voter registration begins across Sudan

    5 November 2009 Voter registration kicked off on 1 November across Sudan in preparation for ...

  3. Referendum awareness campaigns begin

    25 August 2010... 24 August 2010 – The South Sudan Civic Education Organization held a workshop in Juba today to coordinate civic ...

  4. In prolonged transit

    8 March 2011... belongings behind him, Saami Noa was working on an African print dress with his old-school Singer sewing machine. ...

  5. Help along the way

    4 January 2011 Tens of thousands of internally displaced Sudanese have been heading back to their southern roots with little more than a few household items and the shirts on their backs.

  6. 14 March - Printing of Ballots for Sudan Elections 2010

    14 March 2010... (URRP) suggesting that the Mission's Chief Electoral Affairs Officer has been involved in the process of granting contracts ...

  7. AMDISS urges passage of stalled southern media laws

    18 April 2011 14 April 2011 – To press its case for enacting three long-pending press bills on freedom of expression, the public's right to information and an independent regulatory body, a southern media asso

  8. Malakal journalists begin three-day training

    28 April 2011 27 April 2011 – Aiming to improve journalists' skills as Southern Sudan prepares to become a new nation, Radio Miraya began a three-day training session today for report

  9. Referendum discussed in Upper Nile

    11 July 2010 To ensure full cooperation between Upper Nile State authorities and UNMIS in conducting Southern Sudan's upcoming referendum, representatives of the two bodies met in Malakal on 7 July.

  10. A guarded leap forward

    21 February 2011 Devastated by heavy fighting during Sudan's civil war, Southern Kordofan is gradually transforming itself from an area of humanitarian emergency to one of cautious progress.
