13 May - 120 UNMIS personnel will be deployed to Jonglei State
As part of UNMIS support to the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), and in order to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to the civilians in the Jonglei State following the recent tribal clashes, about 120 personnel representing civilian, military and police components of UNMIS will be temporary deployed to the affected counties of Akobo and Pibor.
In coordination with the local authorities, UNMIS personnel will assist the local communities in restoring an effective dialogue through supporting peace and reconciliation conferences between the concerned communities in order to prevent further deterioration of the situation and address the underlying causes of the conflicts, as well as to ensure a quick delivery of humanitarian aid to the affected populations.
With a view to ensuring protection of civilians and facilitate monitoring the security situation on the ground, UNMIS will also provide security technical and logistical assistance to the state government through military, police and support personnel.
In accordance with the spirit of the CPA, UNMIS reiterates that long-term solutions, including reconciliation, disarmament of civilians and development, are the ways through which a durable peace can be established.
Within its capabilities, UNMIS will continue to assist and provide necessary support to the local authorities.