Pakistanis repair road for IDP convoy
In an effort to push forward the return of internally displaced persons from Ed Damazin, to Bonj, Blue Nile State, the Pakistani Engineering Company recently made extensive repairs to a badly deteriorated road in the Kurmuk area.
The 33-member Pakistani team worked for 10 days to strengthen, harden, soil and level the 47-kilometre stretch of road from Kurmuk to Chali, completing the job on 10 December. Previously inaccessible during the rains, the newly renovated road greatly assisted in the movement of a Mabaan IDP convoy in mid-December.
"The road from Kurmuk to Chali had always been a matter of grave concern, as any movement beyond Kurmuk used to be exceptionally difficult," noted Pakistani Engineering Commander Muhammad Anwaar Shaikh as the project terminated. "I am sure this small but significant step towards improvement of infrastructure will ... make a difference."